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Raihan Ali
29. Juni 2022
In Allgemeine Diskussionen
When most people think of a digital publishing website, they usually think of a layout filled with DoubleClick and AdSense advertisements with the sole purpose of tricking users into a click. Of course, the digital publishing business is all about providing timely value and integrating ads into content to improve results. However, things are not as simple as they seem, as some publishers have put a bad reputation in the industry with their overly intrusive advertising strategy and slow loading sites. What they don't realize is that the key aspect itself is, and always has been UX. It all depends on the interaction of the users with the site, the scrolling of the article and their estimation of whether an ad is not welcomed in the layout or not. In other words, it's custom t shirts not enough to host as many ads as possible in hopes of better earnings. For some of the most successful publishers, monetization itself also involves streamlining an enjoyable article experience that can also scale to millions of monthly visitors. For that reason, without further ado, let's talk about four low-key monetization tips you can use to improve the UX of your WordPress publishing website and increase the business success of it in the process. Recommended: The top seven digital publishing trends to watch in 2020 1. Don't stifle user experience Laptop on table displaying brand text on screen Publishers invest huge amounts of time and budgets in creating content, but more often than not they also choose to feature lots of advertisements on their pages that users feel overwhelmed. Because of this, users cannot navigate to the part of the website that really interests them.

Raihan Ali

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